Friday, February 6, 2009

Gorgonzola Blue Cheese

Gorgonzola cheese, a type of blue cheese, has been made out of Milan, Italy since the eighth century. It is made by warming the milk with a rennet in order to curdle the mixture. The cheese curds are then inoculated with mold (the "blue" part of blue cheese) then put into molds that press and drain the cheese. The cheese is aged for at least three months, but often longer. Gorgonzola cheese aged for only three months is considered young and is called Gorgonzola Dolce (sweet Gorgonzola). This cheese is often white, soft and somewhat sweet. Gorgonzola aged six months or more is aged and called Gorgonzola Piccante (mountain Gorgonzola). Gorgonzola Piccante has a much stronger flavor, and is often flaky and crumbly in texture. Both kinds are delicious and used for different reasons. Gorgonzola Dolce makes an incredible spread on crackers and Gorgonzola Piccante is wonderful in salads!

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