Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gingerbread 101: Ginger Spice

Ginger is an ancient spice. A tuber plant, ginger is found in Asian recipes dating back to the fourth century B.C. and was traded from India to Rome for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

Today ginger is used in numerous international cuisines:
* Indian lentil curry
* Wedange Jahe, an Indonesian beverage
* Japan's beni shoga, pickled ginger
* Nyamanku in the Ivory Coast's Nyamanku, a beverage made by blending ginger, orange, pineapple, and lemon

European nations traditionally use ginger in sweet beverages such as ginger ale, ginger wine, and teas as well as sweet baked goods like gingersnaps and gingerbread (of course).

HINT: Ground ginger should not be substituted for fresh ginger in recipes. Horse of a different color.

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