So much has been said about pomegranates and since so many of you have so many questions about them I thought I would share these interesting facts with you. Pomegranates are high in flavonoids, antioxidants (also found in red wine) and cocoa. Recent studies show that pomegranate juice may also help prevent heart disease, although eating your fruit is always better than drinking it! The trick to enjoying the seeds is with the foolproof 'underwater technique'. Cut the pomegranate into quarters over a paper towel. Fill a medium bowl with cold water and hold the fruit under the water seed side down. Pull the edges back, exposing the seeds and run your fingers over the seeds to remove them. Turn the pomegranate over, still holding it underwater, and pick out the remaining seeds. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the bowl and small membrane pieces will float to the top making them easy to discard. Drain the pomegranate seeds and pat dry with a paper towel. Enjoy!
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